13 Feb 2002, 05:18

So what have I been

So what have I been doing with all my hours and hours of free time since I dropped those 2 extra classes? To borrow from Office Space, I’ve been doing nothing and its everything I thought it would be. Only its not. Sure, its great to not be rushing around wondering how you’re going to find time to get everything done, but at the end of the day you’re left with the nagging feeling that you haven’t done anything useful all day because, well, you haven’t done anything useful all day. Its pretty unsatisfying. I figured with all my free time, I’d finally do some programming on my own, port the OSU graphics software to windows, learn how to setup a web server, get a db setup with mySQL, etc, etc etc. Nope. All I’ve done so far is kill a bunch of Nazis, play with faeries, obtain ultimate power, and kick it old school. Lame. In order to feel like I’ve accomplished something every day, I’ve started to become our official house maid. Whenever I get too bored, I go clean something. Its not much, but its a start.