Haha suckers, we’re already married! Ok, not really. Jolayne and I picked up our marriage license downtown yesterday. The official looking piece of paper Jolayne is holding actually only authorizes the solemnzing of the actual marriage license by the officiant on the day of the wedding. The actual marriage license didn’t have a big gold seal and wasn’t anywhere near as photogenic. We’re lucky we were able to get it though since someone (ok, me) forgot their social security card back in Kansas. Fortunately, I still carry around my (expired) military dependent ID card for no good reason, and they accepted that as a secondary form of ID. Whew. All that time carrying an expired card around actually paid off. Marriage licenses also apparently will run you $40 (cash only) in Ohio which prompted a mad dash to the nearest ATM. That’s the Man for you, trying to put a price tag on love.
(Oh yeah, and the photoblog is being updated again, at least for the duration of the wedding and trip.)
Comment by Seth Hanford on 2005-04-22 12:36:37 +0000
Hey! I was trying to type in http://www.sevenplace.com from my box, and instead Opera decided to Google “sevenplace” instead. Lo and behold, Will Gorman’s site appeared!
Congrats, you guys! This is really cool!
Shoot me an e-mail on where to send my wedding gift (shanford circled-a cisco period com). It’d be good to hear from you again. Do you live in Kansas now??
Comment by Seth Hanford on 2005-04-22 12:37:23 +0000
Hey! I was trying to type in http://www.sevenplace.com from my box, and instead Opera decided to Google “sevenplace” instead. Lo and behold, Will Gorman’s site appeared!
Congrats, you guys! This is really cool!
Shoot me an e-mail on where to send my wedding gift (shanford circled-a cisco period com). It’d be good to hear from you again. Do you live in Kansas now??