24 Feb 2005, 04:18

Wedding Update: 2 months to go

Well, here we are at T minus 2 months and counting to the wedding. Things are moving along pretty well, but now I’m starting to realize just how quickly this is coming up. Of course Jolayne has known this all along, but now I’m finally starting to go “Holy crap, we’ve got to do stuff!” For instance, finding people’s addresses. We’ve been realizing that we don’t necessarily have the current addresses of a lot of people we’d like to invite, just because we’ve been out of Columbus for so long. We’ve got to figure out the music for the wedding too. There’s a string quartet, but we’ve got to figure out what we want them to play. Some friends of ours are going to do a song also, but again we’re not sure what yet. At the moment, we’re leaning towards something by Johnny Cash. Then there’s also the matter of figuring out what gifts to get for the wedding party. Jolayne’s got the gifts for her girls, but I still need to figure out what to get the groomsmen. I suppose I can’t really go into any more detail since several of them read this. One major thing that I’ve gotten out of the way is the planning/booking of the honeymoon, and I think it’s going to be awesome. We’re going to spend 9 nights total in Hawaii, 6 on Kauai and 3 on Hawaii. So yeah, all we’ve got to do is survive the next 2 hectic months and then I’ll be on a beach in Hawaii, married to the most wonderful girl ever.


Comment by Neal on 2005-02-23 22:50:33 +0000

/me feels guilty about not answering Will’s e-mail inquiry yet.

Comment by Carrie on 2005-02-26 04:57:08 +0000

Oooo Hawaii.


Comment by Phil on 2005-02-26 12:08:42 +0000

Hey, do you need our address for the invites? :)

Comment by Benjamin Lewis on 2005-03-05 09:51:27 +0000

Hey you stole Kaui from me I will get you Will you will regret it. Oh and by the way I dotn have any of those addresses you needed but I can find Chris’s I am sure.

Comment by Posko on 2005-03-09 14:15:21 +0000

They closed Hawaii… You’ll have to settle for a Honeymoon in Nebraska. I hear it’s a wonderfull place to go!