25 Aug 2004, 01:49

Who wants some GMail?

I just noticed today that I finally have some invites to give out for GMail. I know its pretty late in the game here and we’re well past the point where having GMail was any sort of geek status symbol whatsoever, but hey who can turn their nose up at a free gig of email storage. By now probably everyone that wanted an invite to use GMail has one, but on the off chance that’s not the case mine are available, first come, first serve. Just leave a comment and tell me where to send it.


Comment by Brett on 2004-08-24 20:19:42 +0000

Hey Will. I got one way back in the beginning of the game and decided never to use it. Well, I thought twice after I deleted the email. I would dig an invite. You never know when you’re going to need an email address with a gig of space. Just email it to brett@bwilms.com, if you would. Thanks.

Comment by Tobin on 2004-08-24 21:43:03 +0000

Hey, I’ll take one. It’s about time a geek like me gets access. Just send it to j u d a y d o t 2 a t o s u d o t e d u.


Comment by Neal on 2004-08-25 12:40:40 +0000

Oooh! I don’t have one yet.