So this weekend I just said to myself: “Screw it, I’m going to Florida!” Next thing you know, I’m getting off a plane in Orlando and driving over to Ormond Beach. Of course, it just so happened that one of my cousins was getting married there yesterday and the rest of my extended family was going to be there as well but either way you look at it, I got to spend the weekend in Florida on the beach. It was like having a little micro-vacation.
The weather was fantastic, the beach was great, and it was good to see the rest of my family since I won’t have as many opportunities to see them now that I’m out in KC. The wedding itself was nice too, but alas, dry. If I’m going to haul myself halfway across the continent, I expect free booze and plenty of it! I got some fun pictures out of the deal though so maybe I’ll let it slide.