Let’s talk about rock and roll for a moment. Over the weekend, I picked up the first new albums I’d been able to get in quite a while. Employment does have its advantages. I’m particularly fond of one of the albums, Interpol‘s “Turn on the Bright Lights“. From everything I’ve read about Interpol, it seems that anyone discussing this album either has to mention the Joy Division feel up front or go out of their way to mention that they’re avoiding making any Joy Division comparisons. It’s unavoidable though, as Paul Banks voice really does remind me of Ian Curtis if only in the style of delivery. What I also pick up on though is a sizeable Smiths influence, especially in the irrepressibly buoyant and perfectly timed bass lines. Throughout the album chiming reverb-soaked guitar and disarmingly delivered lyrics complete the effect. This album is about as solid a debut full-length as anyone could hope for. It’s an album that makes me look forward to coming home from work after a crapulent day and slipping on my headphones. That’s a good thing.