I need to start getting out of the house, badly. At about the one month mark in my unemployment career cabin fever has set in hardcore. As a result I’ve been watching way more TechTV than can possibly be considered healthy. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I think I’ve developed crushes on all the women on The Screen Savers and Fresh Gear. For those keeping tabs on coolness points, I’m down by about -50 or so at this point. Hopefully by acknowledging how bad it’s become I can shock myself out of it. On the other hand, I did find out about a pretty cool nerd toy from TechTV today. It’s called TouchGraph and it’s a Java app that uses the Google API to display a graph of how related websites connect via links. It’s basically a visual representation of Google’s “similar pages” search function. Unfortunately, coaxialflutter currently has no similar pages on Google so I couldn’t view it with TouchGraph. Still, it’s a really neat way to view relationships between sites, even if it’s not all that useful as a casual browsing aid.